Some Concept Art & What's Next. I show the exterior of Umbra's Church, how it looks from a distance, and what I envision of the interior. I can't say too much...
Here's what I've made regarding: The "Wrong Zone" beneath the Church. Looks oddly colorful despite being only 6 shades of color. Working on a whole lot more, sp...
Hold on, lemme cook... I had planned to show more, like the full first "Wrong Zone" and the first chase, but I gotta go to the province for family stuff. I'm co...
Here's some resprites accounting for some design changes in some of the full arts I made. I didn't do the rest of the others in the Girl's Night CG since only Y...
Almost forgot to post this week. With no context, have the concept art for "Umbra's Constructs", which will reveal themselves at the Satan Stitches arc...